We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about. -- Charles Kingsley
Green Book Collection
A 9 track poem / story / song collection by Randy Weeks:
- Office Aisle (poem)
- Invitation (song)
- See You Tomorrow (story)
- Hobby Horse & Wallpaper (poem)
- What You Are (song)
- The Last Six Days (poem)
- Our Little Life (song)
- Natural (song)
- Smile Awhile (song)
Green Book on YouTube
Green Book on Facebook
Roar Roar Dinosaur
A fun song for kids and other humans:
Roar Roar on Facebook
Roar Roar on YouTube
Roar Roar illustrated book version on YouTube
The 9 songs on One Good Reason were recorded in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1992 when I was playing more often around town than I do today. I made the recording a simple acoustic effort so that when someone picked up a copy at a local club, the recording he or she would hear in the car or at home would be the same simple guitar and vocal already heard live, versus a full band mix of some kind.